Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rialto Still mum on Progress in Hiring Police Chief (SB Sun 07172006)

Everyone is very Eager to know who the new chief is going to be. I am still hoping that it is a Chief that is one that supports the men and Woman on the Department as his Family First, and not the people that are there to get fired or let go reduce cap, in some way. It always felt that was the goal of the past Chief was to reduce the staff or to make the lower staffing Price goals, doing so by reducing staff and making the newer incoming Officer, who is lower paid, do the same job. But who has not purchased as much of the respect of the citizens of Rialto.

When I could still work at Rialto I had a lot of people that hated me and a great deal of people that loved working with me. The people that didn't like me were the ones that I arrested, Wrote tickets to etc etc...However when I nearly died on duty, there was more people that came forward to help me then there was to hinder me. I was scheduled to die, I am not kidding the Loma Linda Doctors didn't do a lot of checking on my lower extremities and it was due to the fact that they didn't think that I was going to Live. After a Week in a Coma, I proved them wrong by coming out of the coma, with massive head drama, I proved that one by one I was going to be okay. But fear not, I did end up with life long Injuries that will never heal, and I cannot ride a Police motor cycle or be a Police Officer again even though I wanted to dearly. I am alive, mainly by the love and prayers from the people of Rialto.

THANK YOU!! Now we need a Police Chief that is going to work hard for the Police Officers and not just for the Police Chief, I know I am talking of a recipe of a Police Chief that will only be getting one three year contract and not one full five year contract.

I keep praying for the Employee's Sake that they get a Chief like the one that is working at Santa Ana Police Department. Nothing but good spoken by the people that work there at Santa Ana, and they are all happy.

Santa Ana, is a rough city to work too!! Keep praying with me would you!!


Rialto still mum on progress in hiring police chief
Robert Rogers, SB Sun Staff Writer...

RIALTO - Residents eager to know the identity of the first chief of an old police department with a new lease on life will have to wait a few days more.

As of Monday afternoon, after a day of one-on-one interviews with possibly three candidates, City Administrator Henry Garcia played his hand close to the vest.

"The interviews today have gone exceptionally well," said Garcia, who would not provide the names of the finalists nor how many he interviewed Monday. "Some time toward the end of this week, I'll make a conditional offer (to one of the candidates) for the position."

Monday's interviews for the $160,000-per-year position to lead the rebuilding department followed an all-day panel interview last week that whittled the number of candidates from seven to three.

Garcia followed the tight-lipped pattern he has held from the outset of the search, also declining Monday to say if he finished the process.

"I may continue seeing candidates beyond today, the process is not done," Garcia said.

But other sources said the committee settled on three candidates for Garcia to interview.

Councilman Ed Scott said the committee was comfortable and confident in the three candidates it recommended to Garcia. Scott said one candidate uniformly impressed all on the committee.

"All three of the candidates showed an indication they were the type of leaders we need, not types who will be hiding in their office, but that are going to lead and set examples among their community and their troops," Scott said.

Former Police Chief Michael Meyers, who stepped down in December, endured criticism from rank-and-file officers and city leadership in part for his inaccessibility.

Meyers was known for delegating the majority of his leadership to the deputy chief, a position which will be eliminated in the new regime.

Scott said he thinks the committee and Garcia will be on the same page in selecting the candidate.

"This guy, the energy and the vibrance and the homework he's done, you're going to see that this guy is really dynamite," Scott said.

Garcia met the candidates Monday in his office for informal chats lasting between an hour and 90 minutes, he said. His selection for chief will be final, pending any lingering background checks and contingencies with the candidate's current employer.

After the selection, the transfer of power from Interim Chief Frank Scialdone to his successor could take four to six weeks, Scialdone said.

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