Friday, December 29, 2006

New Chief Making his Mark-UPDATE

BS Ranch Perspective:

I like the changes that are proposed, The Modular building to allow traffic to join the rest of the Station, will be the first time that Traffic has been with the rest of the Patrol Division Which they support since 1993. It was in Early 1993, when Sgt. Little, Corporal Lessig, Officer, TC Hernandez, Officer, Cunningham, Officer Mining, & CSO Cabral was trasporting all the great stuff that we had stored at the main station into the brand new DUI Trailer to the N.Annex to join the men and Woman at Fire station Four. The transportation of all our traffic Citations to different locations to turn them in was a chore but one that we did, as it was our orders, but again we had to take part in Briefing just to get to know the other guys on the Shifts. If we had not had done that I might not had met Daniels. LOL..

The Hiring of a HSO Supervisor, is something that I am not sure of why we are doing that one, because they had been supervised under the traffic Division for as long as I can remember. Skalski was the first Supervisor, that did the job, and was well aware of what they needed. I would like to think that Little did, even though he was disorganized, but the only thing that I know that they complained about was the lack of training that they didn't get.

They are for the most part an enforcement position and are Supervised as such. They issue citations and Investigate crimes such as cruelty to animals and the like. other then that, they are basically a Police services or Enforcement position and any Sergent should be able to supervise them.

Any Sergent that says he doesn't know how to supervise an enforcement Position shouldn't be a Sergeant, or Supervisor of any kind!! I cannot beleive that the department is bending to this request for this supervisor position when they have so many Sergent's within the department, Unless they are trying to do this to set them up for a contract with the County.

If they contract HSO, with the county!! WOW, is the City Council Stupid!! Because they should listen to Fontana's Complaints about their Humain Services Contract with the County before they do!!

Other then the HSO Supervisor which I feel is a waist of money for the Department, Because they have so many Sergent's that can do that job. Other then that I agree with what I have seen so far. great job!!


New police chief making his mark
Jason Pesick, Staff Writer

RIALTO- Police Chief Mark Kling is no stranger to resuscitating policedepartments. He has developed a specialty in the practice, havingarrived at his previous job as chief of the Baldwin Park PoliceDepartment after the City Council there considered eliminating it.

Three months into his latest role in Rialto, Kling has alreadybegun to remake a department that the City Council tried to close downa little more than a year ago.

"There's a considerable amount of restructuring going on," Kling said recently in his office.

Withthe help of the now-supportive City Council, he has begun to alter thedepartment's hierarchy, recruit dozens of officers and policeemployees, make physical changes to police facilities and improvemorale.

"He wants everybody - every individual person in the organization - to develop and succeed," Lt. Randy DeAnda said.

Last week, the City Council passed a number of Kling's recommendations to restructure the department.

Oneof those recommendations was to place a 2,000- square-foot modular unitat police headquarters so that traffic-enforcement and animal-controlofficers will be with the rest of the department instead of with codeenforcement, where they are now.

The council also approved changes to a number of positions within the department. Those changes include:

Replacing a law enforcement technician position with a position focused on purchasing for the department.

Adding a human-resources official to the department.

Moving animal control out of the traffic division and hiring an animal-control supervisor.

Hiring parking-enforcement officers to go after abandoned or illegally parked vehicles.

Increasing salaries in order to compete with nearby cities for dispatchers.

Atthe City Council meeting, Kling announced the hiring of three newpolice officers. When he became chief in August, there were 27 officervacancies - almost a quarter of the budgeted positions. As soon as somenew hires graduate from the academy, the number of vacancies will bedown to 17. And the department has additional openings for dispatchers,records assistants, cadets, law-enforcement technicians andanimal-control employees.

Kling also needs to hire another captain to complete thedepartment's transition from one run by a chief and a deputy chief toone headed by a chief and two captains - one overseeing operations andthe other overseeing largely administrative functions.

One of Kling's biggest initiatives will be implementing thearea-commander police philosophy first recommended by his predecessor,interim Chief Frank Scialdone. The plan will divide the city into threeareas, with a lieutenant responsible for each one.

Each lieutenant will act as a community liaison, holdingmeetings with residents and then developing a strategy to combatproblems, employing other community programs and government entities ifnecessary.

"We're not an island anymore," said DeAnda, who willoversee one portion of the city, referring to the department'simproving relationship with the rest of the city.

Command officers from the Police Department recently metfor two hours with their counterparts at the Fire Department, andanother meeting is scheduled for January, Fire Chief Steve Wells said.He said it was the first time in 30 years that there has been such ameeting.

"Things are good, and they're going to get better," Officer Steven Daniels of the personnel and training division said.

Completelyrebuilding the department could take five to seven years, Kling said.He said one of his goals is to change the department's reputation sothat it is no longer seen as a training ground for young officers.

"I feel what he's doing is being responsive to the thingswe said we wanted when he came on," Councilman Joe Sampson said at lastTuesday's meeting.

Contact writer Jason Pesick at (909) 386-3861 or via e-mail at



BS Ranch Perspective & Update:

Mark Kling has done a great job! He has hired that second Capt. The way that he did it was like hiring from within the department which is a better way of doing things. There is a built in Respect for Capt. Martinez before he even starts, He had left after serving Rialto as an Acting Caption. The Previous Chief, for what ever reason, Promoted, another person to Capt. right in front of Capt. Martinez. the ultimate Back Stab. For what ever Chief Meyer had against Martinez that is all the more to respect him when he comes back, because we all know how much of a Crooked Chief, that Meyers was!

The other chain of command that was lacking is also being filled by a long time City Employee that left when the things looked really bad here in Rialto. You cannot Blame Sgt. Crispin for leaving and going to the Riverside D.A.'s office to get a more secure position for his family, after all he was not going to jeopardize his family over a Position at a Police Department when he has all that Experience with Investigations. Well Sgt. Crispin is coming back to work for Rialto Police Department as well, that is all great News. For the Troops that work for Crispin you will see what a pleasure that it is working for him.

I am glad to see that The Old Rialto Police Department is coming back into focus, I am just sad that I cannot patepate in the change and the wonderful changed that are taking place. The Corrupt Police Department is Gone, There is a New Chief in Town, Mark Kling is his name!!

BS Ranch!

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