Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I-210 Extention will open this month (Daily Press 071807) I beleive that it will be open by July 20th or July 27th, we will see.

I-210 extension will open this month

SAN BERNARDINO — The final 7.25 miles of Interstate 210 will open by the end the month and will eventually carry 163,000 vehicles per day, according to San Bernardino County's regional transportation planning agency.

The Foothill Freeway will provide a new east-west corridor through lower San Bernardino County and will divert some traffic from Interstate 10, where heavy congestion is common in the mornings and evenings, said Annette Franco, a spokeswoman for San Bernardino Associated Governments or SANBAG.

Truck traffic could also be partially diverted from I-10 onto I-210.

A section of I-210 that opened in Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga in 2001 did alleviate some congestion on I-10, said spokeswoman Cheryl Donahue.

Traffic simulation models completed for SANBAG have shown that traffic will decrease in some areas and increase in others, Franco said.

The most dramatic drop in traffic is projected for I-10 between Interstate 15 and Interstate 215, where it could drop about 5 to15 percent.

Traffic is projected to increase by 20 to 25 percent on I-210 east of I-215, which is currently Highway 30, and it could also increase by 20 percent on I-215 between I-10 and I-210, according to SANBAG.

The I-15 north of I-210 could also experience a slight increase in traffic.

SANBAG expects to announce a July opening date for the final stretch of Interstate 210 later this week, Donahue said.

Work on this last portion of the Foothill Freeway through Rialto and San Bernardino began in 2003 and the freeway was expected to open by late 2007, according to SANBAG.

Miscellaneous work such as fencing and storm drain projects will continue for about three to four months after the Foothill Freeway opens, Donahue said. The estimated cost of this last stretch of freeway is $232.8 million, Franco said.

The freeway through Rialto and San Bernardino will have three regular lanes and one carpool lane in each direction. On and off-ramps will be at Alder Avenue, Ayala Drive, Riverside Avenue and State Street, according to SANBAG.

On and off-ramps at Pepper Avenue will be completed later, after local road construction has been completed, Donahue said.

Hillary Borrud may be reached at 951-6234 or
BS Ranch Perspective
Just another news paper, (The Daily Press) That says the the Freeway will be open this month, and not late Aug. I am thinking that the freeway will be open Tursday 072007, or a week later, 072707, we will see..
BS Ranch

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