Police to hold SWAT exercise at Rialto high school
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10:00 PM PDT on Friday, August 17, 2007
Rialto police and the Rialto Unified School District don't want people to panic if they think they see SWAT teams in action Monday around Carter High School on North Linden Avenue.
The activity is part of a regional training course for tactical SWAT officers, tactical dispatchers and hostage negotiators, presented by the Rialto Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics team.
Sgt. James Gibbons, a Rialto patrol officer and a hostage-negotiation team unit commander, said about 150 officers from local agencies and as far away as San Luis Obispo will participate in the course, which focuses on preparing officers to react should a gunman come onto a campus.
"We train ahead of time to see if there's any logistical problems we need to work on," Gibbons said.
Syeda Jafri, spokeswoman for the Rialto Unified School District, said Carter High School was chosen because of its size.
"The facility itself is so large," Jafri said.
The campus was an ideal site because several buildings have two floors, she said. Classes have not yet resumed at the campus, Jafri said.
But Monday morning will be registration day for Carter's students so the district is telephoning parents to let them know about the exercise. They are being asked to park in front of the gymnasium.
Gibbons said the training, which will begin at 8 a.m., will include a mixture of classroom instruction, scenarios and post-incident briefings.
For more information, call Sgt. Nick Borchard at 909-820-2526.
Reach Julie Farren at 909-806-3066 or jfarren@PE.com
BS Ranch Perspective:
The time has finally come for my friends plans to come into full swing. I know that she has done a great job and that it will go great! The Training that the SWAT Members will get Hopefully will not have to use, but if they do, the practice that they get will be very useful to them to know what to do and how to respond to such a School Incident. I am proud of the Dispatcher that put the training on and I am really proud that she was able to keep the whole program in Rialto, and allow Rialto Police Host the event, I know that there was some problem with the School dedicating there the space for the training at first, however once they saw the importance of such a training they were more then happy to allow the space needed for the Training Event to Take Place!!
Congratulations Noretta, You Make this Author Proud!!
BS Ranch
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