Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rialto Approves Police Cars (The Press Enterprise 08032006) The City is Getting Closer to Putting 29 New Vehicles on the Street!!

Rialto City Council is finally Approving Cars for the Police Department!! These are the Police Vehicles that they refused to give them when they were trying to force the City of Rialto into Contracting their Law Enforcement with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. However there was a Large Movement of Citizens that didn't want to see the Sheriff's Department forced upon them after they have had more then adequate Law Enforcement by None Other then The City of Rialto Police Department!

They tried by not allowing the City Police Department to have any new Equipment, No Maintenance was being done to the Current Police Vehicles placing the Current Police Officers at Risk of Loosing their Life's, for example, if they go to a call and they get out of their car, as they start to walk towards the front sidewalk where the call was supposed to be and it turns out to be an ambush, there is shots being fired, the Officer gets back to his car, and due to the Improper or lack of maintenance it doesn't start, they were placed at risk. There was Police Vehicles that were being towed in constantly, but the Rialto Police Officer's Kept Working, and they worked on their own cars as needed, I mean they didn't do their own Oil changes at least that I know of they didn't , but it would not surprise me to know that if they did.

The whole thing is that the Rialto City Council Elected not to fund or do anything to make the City Safer while the whole Battle was going on between the Rialto Police Benefit Assoc. (RPBA) and the City's Loyal Police Fan's who formed up "Voice United" (www.VoiceUnited.com) Between them they hired a Riverside City Based Attorney with whom saw the court room four times against The City's Own City Attorney, Owens. Each of the four times Owens Lost, each of the four times Owens didn't say whether he won or lost, he just did a 1 to 3 hour presentation on Election law, and how the R.P.B.A. and the People of Voice United were going about this all wrong!

In the end, the city's Voice United & The RPBA collected almost 5000 signatures to keep the City of Rialto Police Department, and change the MOU to state that if the City Council ever was to want to change the Law Enforcement of the city again they would have to go before the City in a Special Election, the changing of the Police Department would be a vote by the People of Rialto, and then a Vote of the City Council as to make the decision final.

As everyone knows when the 4900 signatures that were collected were presented to the City Clerk Barbara McGee, with advice from the City Lawyer, Owens stated that over 3000 signatures collected were not collected properly because they were collected by signature gatherer's, and theory were Illegal, making the collection of the signatures not legal. and then they sat for almost a month or two, but each time they were under scrutiny by the people, and the City's Attorney each time quoted the same law that is written on the Petition paperwork where you sign for the witnessing signature gatherer. Well, looking at that the person just has to live within the county, every time this was put out before the City's Attorney Owens and each time he would argue, that he was right and they were wrong.

The Rialto Public, and some of the other people that didn't normally attend the meeting wanted a neutral party to take a look at this paper work the sinuate.a and they would quested the people that gathered the signatures and see if they were within the laws of the land.

The Register of Voters of San Bernardino County Stepped in to be the Neutral Party and do the Investigation into the Signatures and the signature Gathering. The County Registrar of Voters for San Bernardino County only had the Petitions and the Signatures for one day, when they came back and said that the signatures that they have correct, there was only a few that were duplicated, and some others that signed that actually lived in the county area and didn't qualify for the Petition, so they were disqualified.

The Voice United, and the Rialto Police Benefit Assoc. had been redeemed from the accusations of being said to have lied on their Collection of signatures on the petitions. Owens again became a LOOSER against the Voice United/RPBA People!!!

So here is what I think, I think that Owens due to his mis-handling of the whole Petition Drive, Election Law Losses in Court!! All of which was great that he lost, but he should have won!! He Gets Paid a whopping $750.000.00 a year by the city of Rialto as a Retainer to be their lawyer and to keep them from such trouble, Thank GOD he is the BUMBLING IDIOT that he is, to have lost the Every Legal Battle, so that the Rialto Police Department was Saved by the Small Law Firm from Riverside. He did this by borrowed monies and later the city was forced through a law suit to pay for his Legal Fees of $180,000.00 that it would have cost the Voice United, and Rialto Police Benefit Assoc. Monies that are used to pay for Benefits for their Employees.

Owens, Lost every case and is still advising the City of Rialto Regarding the outcomes and reminisces of Law Suits of the city. Owens doesn't like to take anything before a judge, and he tries to solve everything out of court. Owens, didn't as far as I know has not won any cases that was ever brought before the court. At the price that he is getting paid $768,000.00 with a City Administrator Garcia who is another one that is getting a huge pay check from the city $250,000.00 per year.

That is amazing. I feel that they should both go, I know that Garcia had his hand in the hiring of the new chief, but if the Police Department doesn't like the way that he is handling them or his way of management is inconsistent and they don't like it then he should be subject to termination or let go from his contract due to not passing his probationary period. Then right after the new chief starts, and before he can get his baring they need to clean out the City Attorney's spot, That is right!! FIRE the CITY ATTORNEY!! He can fight the Termination in court, but we know what the outcome will be, he will LOOSE!! He after all is a LOOSER! Then the CITY ADMINISTRATOR GARCIA Must go as well. GARCIA, getting a wage at $250,000.00. a year, and he wants to Replace a Police Department that has a better then 85% Clearance of Homicide Cases, with The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department who has a Homicide Clearance of less then 50% Needs to find different employment, because clearly the current employment is not challenging enough for him, Garcia feels that by increasing the Murder rate in Rialto maybe he can get more Federal Grant money and the like. That is the best that I can figure it with my non collage degree. But clearly he wanted the Homicide and Crime Rate to go up by wanting the Contract with the county Law Enforcement.

Once the City Council has Voted to Remove the City Attorney for legal advice, then I recommend that they seek out and hire the Attorney that so brilliantly beat Owens in the battle to loose the Police Department to the Sheriff's Department. If the Attorney that worked for the RPBA, and Voice United doesn't want the job, or they are to busy, then I suggest that we ask for their advice as to whom would be a good replacement. Then either take their advice for the replacement or now.
The City Council must be also moved on, Ed Scott Winnie Hanson, Debra Robertson,and Joe Sampson all must find new civic jobs to do. they can either volunteer at the Police Department. They are not clearly working in the BEST INTEREST of the CITY OF RIALTO!! so they must MOVE ON TO OTHER CIVIC ACTIVITIES!!!
BS Ranch
BS Ranch

Rialto approves police cars

10:00 PM PDT on Thursday, August 3, 2006

The Press-Enterprise

RIALTO - The city is getting closer to putting 29 new police vehicles on the street.

The Police Department expects to have the vehicles delivered from a dealer in the next three to nine months under a purchase approved by the City Council in June, records show.

In anticipation of their arrival, the council also approved the department's request for $354,140 to modify and add equipment to the cars Tuesday.

The vehicles will include 12 patrol cars, three K-9 units, four units for a team that patrols East Jackson Street, five administration vehicles, an animal-control truck, three traffic cars and a command vehicle.

The modifications include installation of mobile radios, modems and laptop computers, records show.

The council also approved Tuesday a $71,923 increase in the purchase price because the cost of three traffic cars was not included in the original price.

The council approved $612,902 of the purchase price in June. The total for the 29 vehicles is $684,825.

"It's a necessity to have police vehicles in good running shape for our Police Department, so this was necessary," Councilman Ed Scott said.

The final delivery of the vehicles, with the modifications, is estimated to take six to 12 months, records show.

Reach Massiel Ladrón De Guevara at 909-806-3054 or mdeguevara@PE.com

Online at: http://www.pe.com/localnews/sanbernardino/stories/PE_News_Local_B_bpolice04.2ac121c.html

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