Thursday, August 03, 2006

Rialto Streets to Close for New Traffic Signals (Inland Valley Daily Bulletin 080206)

It is about time that the intersection of Willow and Bloomington avenue is closed for the new signal. I have handled one fatal in my career, and I have assisted on two others in the time that I was in traffic. That does not count the times that I was not called out to help on the others that occurred there. That Intersection is bad simply because the driver South Bound on Willow has to look almost all the way to the rear to see traffic that is crossing in front of him on Bloomington Ave.

So I am happy that this is being done finally. Good job, City Council and engeneering, just took you so long to decide to do this!!


Article Launched: 8/02/2006 12:00 AM

Rialto streets to close for new traffic signals
-- Robert Rogers
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

RIALTO - Five intersections will be affected at different times this year by temporary street closures as workers install new traffic signals. Work began July 25 and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The schedule is staggered so only one or two intersections are impacted at a time, according to a release from the city's administrator, Henry Garcia.

The intersection of Bloomington and Willow avenues is closed until Aug. 31. Willow and Merril avenues will be closed for light replacement Aug. 28.

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